The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible filtering options.
Return subscriptions where a property equals a value. Example syntax,
<property> eq <value>.
filter=key eq 'STIAPL6404'
Return subscriptions where a property does not equal a value. Example syntax,
not <property> eq <value>.
filter=not key eq 'STIAPL6404'
Return subscriptions where a property is greater or equal to a value. Example syntax,
<property> ge <value>.
filter=createdAt ge '2024-01-18T19:53:51.480Z'
Return subscriptions where a property is less than or equal to a value. Example syntax,
<property> le <value>.
filter=updatedAt le '2024-02-18T19:53:51.480Z'
The AND operator returns results that meet all filter queries. In the example, the query only returns subscriptions with the exact key and with the specified subscription type. Example syntax,
<property> eq <value> and <property> eq <value>.
filter=key eq 'STIQQ4L04' and subscriptionType eq 'CENTRAL_STORAGE'
The OR operator returns results that meet any of the filter queries. In the example, the query returns subscriptions with the exact key or with the specified subscription type.
filter=key eq 'STIQQ4L04' or subscriptionType eq 'CENTRAL_STORAGE'
Return subscriptions where the property is one of multiple values. Example syntax,
<property> in <value>,<value>.
filter=subscriptionType in 'CENTRAL_STORAGE', 'CENTRAL_CONTROLLER'
Filter expressions consisting of simple comparison operations joined
by logical operators to be applied on the assigned tags or their
eq, ne
Logical Expressions
and, or
Return subscriptions that have a pair of tags with the exact same tag key and tag value. Example syntax,
<tagKey> eq <tagValue>.
filter-tags='city' eq 'London'
Return subscriptions that have a pair of tags with the exact same tag key and the exact different tag value. Example syntax,
<tagKey> ne <tagValue>.
filter-tags='city' ne 'London'
Return subscriptions containing the tag key and the corresponding value that satisfy all conditionals. Example syntax,
<property> eq <value> and <property> eq <value>.
filter-tags='city' eq 'London' and 'street' eq 'Piccadilly'
Return subscriptions containing the tag key and the corresponding value that satisfy at least one of the conditionals. Example syntax,
<property> eq <value> or <property> eq <value>.
filter-tags='street' eq 'Oxford Street' or 'street' eq 'Piccadilly'
integer <int64> [ 1 .. 50 ]
Default: 50
Specifies the number of results to be returned. The default value is 50.
integer <int64>
Default: 0
Specifies the zero-based resource offset to start the response from. The default value is 0.
Array of strings unique
A comma separated list of select properties to display in the response. The default is that all properties are returned.
Example: select=id,key
A comma separated list of sort expressions. A sort expression is a property name optionally followed by a direction indicator asc or desc. The default is ascending order.