
The following steps describe how to generate an access token for HPE GreenLake platform services. You need an HPE account to complete these steps.

Adding services to your workspace

You can use HPE GreenLake platform to add any services listed in the services page of your workspace. You can also think of the Add functionality as service onboarding.

  1. On the Services page, click Catalog on the left menu. The Services page displays a series of tiles for services that are available to you.
  2. Click any service to learn more about the service.
  3. Select Launch on the services detail view, and follow the prompts from the Deploy Service wizard to deploy the service.

If you are authorized to add the selected service, a successful provisioning message appears. If you do not have the authorization to add or load this service into your workspace, a failed provisioning message appears. Contact your account administrator for help.

Requesting access to HPE GreenLake platform APIs

You must create a support request to get access to HPE GreenLake platform APIs.

  1. While logged in to HPE GreenLake platform, click Help & Support .
  2. In the Help section, select HPE GreenLake .
  3. In the Support section, select Workspace, User, and Onboarding Support .
  4. Fill in the requested details.
    • Enter your name, company name, email, and phone number.
    • Choose your preferred contact method, either email or phone.
    • In Support Issue Details , in What do you need help with? , choose HPE GreenLake platform API onboarding .
    • Provide the workspace name and the email address associated with it. To find your workspace name, click Manage , then click User to get the workspace user email address.
  5. Click Submit . A ticket is created with HPE GreenLake support. Expect a resolution within 24 hours.

Configuring API client credentials

  1. On the HPE GreenLake platform header, click the workspace menu and then select Manage Workspace .
  2. Click the API card.
  3. Click Create Credentials .
  4. Select the Service Manager you want to access.
  5. Enter the Credential Name .
  6. Click the Create Credentials button to continue. The Credentials Created screen displays showing your credentials were successfully created.
  7. Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret to a safe and secure location. HPE GreenLake platform does not store your Client Secret.
  8. Select the Copy icon to save your information to your desktop.
  9. Click the Close button to continue. You are returned to the main API page, where you can now generate the access token using a sample code provided.

Generate an access token

On the API page, you can view API credential details and generate access tokens.

  1. On the Home page, click Manage Workspace , and then click API .
  2. Click the arrow next to the credential name to display the credential details.
  3. You can now Generate Access Token or view sample code for generating access tokens.
  4. Click Generate Access Token to continue. The Generate Access Token screen displays.
  5. Enter your Client Secret , and click the Create Access Token button. The Access Token Created screen displays with your Access Token .
  6. Click Close when you are finished.

Since access tokens are not stored, HPE recommends you make a copy of your access token and keep it in a safe location.

Viewing the code sample for generating an access token

To view the code sample, perform the following steps.

  1. Under the Code Sample for Generating Access Token heading, click View Code Sample . The code modal displays.
  2. Select the programming Language you want to use from the Select Programming Language drop-down list.
  3. Select the client credentials from the Select Client Credentials drop-down list. These are credentials you create.
  4. Enter your client secret in to the Enter Client Secret field. The information you selected or entered is displayed in the code sample.
  5. Click Copy Code Sample to make a copy of your access token code.
  6. Click </> to change your code view between vertical and horizontal.
  7. Click Close when you are finished.

Resetting your client secret

There may be a time when you want to reset your client secret for security purposes. Resetting the client ID and secret will invalidate all tokens associated with the ID and secret.

  1. Click the ellipsis next to the Generate Access Token button to reset your client secret.
  2. Click the Reset Client Secret link. The client secret is reset.

Deleting your client credentials

Deleting the client ID and secret will invalidate all tokens associated with the ID and secret.

  1. Click the ellipsis next to the Generate Access Token button to delete your client credentials.
  2. Select the Delete Credentials link.

If a user is deleted from HPE GreenLake, any tokens or client IDs generated and associated with any services owned by this user will no longer be valid.

Points to Remember

  • A generated access token is valid for 120 minutes.
  • The credentials created for a user are valid until they are deleted, reset, or the user account is removed.