Retrieve the configured auto-subscriptions settings in a workspace.
NOTE: You need to have view permission for the Devices and subscription service to invoke this API.
Rate limits are enforced on this API. 25 requests per minute is supported per workspace. The API returns 429
if this threshold is breached.
Successful response
Bad request
Unauthorized request
The operation is forbidden
Too many requests
Internal server error
{- "id": "64343c3c-3016-4234-baee-765651aa4bb3",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-07T11:20:35.290Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-07T11:22:35.800Z",
- "generation": 0,
- "type": "subscriptions/auto-subscription-settings",
- "resourceUri": "string",
- "autoSubscriptionSettings": [
- {
- "deviceType": "AP",
- "tier": "FOUNDATION_AP"