HPE GreenLake for Subscription Management developer guide

The examples in this guide help you start using the Subscription Management APIs to claim and check subscriptions using this service.



Endpoints are the host URLs that you submit your API requests to. Subscription Management APIs use the following endpoint:



Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) identify a server or resource used in the Subscription Management API. A URI is a full API path ending with a specific endpoint. For example:

  • /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions
  • /subscriptions/v1/async-operations/{id}
  • /subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings

Access and permissions

You need the correct permissions to use the HPE GreenLake Subscription Management APIs.

View permissions for Devices and Subscription Service (ccs.device-management.view) are required to make the following Subscription Management API calls:

  • GET /subscriptions/v1/async-operations/{id}
  • GET /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions
  • GET /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions
  • GET /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions/{id}
  • GET /subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings
  • GET /subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings/{id}

Edit permissions for Devices and Subscription Service (ccs.device-management.edit) are required to make the following Subscription Management API calls:

  • POST /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions
  • PATCH /subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings/{id}
  • PATCH /subscriptions/v1/subscriptions

Generating a token

You must create a personal API client and generate an access token to make API calls. HPE GreenLake APIs use OAuth-based access tokens used as an authorization bearer token. To do this:

  1. Create a personal API client.
  2. Generate an access token.
  3. Use the access token as an authorization bearer token to make secure REST API calls.

Making It All Work

Get subscriptions of a workspace

Review a list of the subscriptions managed in a workspace.

GET https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/subscriptions

The following information is returned in the response:

  • id
  • key
  • quantity
  • evaluationType
  • productSku
  • productDescription
  • quote
  • endUserName
  • and more

You can use query parameters with the Get subscriptions of a workspace API:

  • filter — Limit the resources operated on by an endpoint or, when used with a multiple-GET endpoint, return only the subset of resources that match the filter. View the filtering section to learn more about filtering.
  • sort — Specify the order in which to return results. The value of the sort query parameter is a comma-separated list of sort expressions
  • limit — Define the maximum number of records to return.

Find more information and examples in the API reference.

Get specific subscription information

Retrieve details of a specific subscription associated with a workspace.

GET https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/subscriptions/{id}

The following information is returned in the response:

  • id
  • key
  • quantity
  • evaluationType
  • productSku
  • productDescription
  • quote
  • and more

Get the status of an asynchronous operation in subscriptions

Adding subscriptions is an asynchronous operation. Use this API to find the status of the asynchronous operation.


The following information is returned in the response:

  • id
  • type
  • status
  • startedAt
  • endedAt
  • progressPercent
  • suggestedPollingIntervalSeconds
  • timeoutMinutes
  • result
  • resultType

More information on this API can be found in the API reference.

Get all auto subscription settings in a workspace

Use this GET API call to list the auto-subscription settings configured in a workspace. Auto-subscription settings are configured with default values when a workspace is created.

GET https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings

The following information is returned in the response:

  • id
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • generation
  • type
  • autoSubscriptionSettings

NOTE: No filtering support is given for this API.

Get specific auto subscription settings in a workspace

Retrieve specific auto subscription settings configured in a workspace.

GET https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings/{id}

Update configured auto-subscriptions settings of a workspace

Update configured auto-subscriptions managed in a workspace. You can pass a list of deviceType and tier combinations in the payload to be updated. If the combination of deviceType and tier is already configured, it will be updated. Otherwise, that combination will be configured. If you need to remove settings for one or more combination of deviceType and tier, you need to pass tier as null for the respective deviceType.

PATCH https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/auto-subscription-settings/{id}

The payload:

  "autoSubscriptions": [
      "deviceType": "{device_type}",
      "tier": "{license_tier}"

Add subscriptions

Add one or more subscriptions to a workspace. This API provides an asynchronous response and returns 202 Accepted when validations are successful.

The location header in the response provides the URI to be invoked for fetching progress of the subscription addition task.

POST https://global.api.greenlake.hpe.com/subscriptions/v1/subscriptions

The payload:

  "subscriptions": [
      "key": "{subscription_key}"

Find more information and examples in the API reference.


Filters provide the ability to limit the resources that take part in the action of a REST call. When a REST call includes a filter, the GET action is restricted to a response that meets the filter requirements. Specify filters using the query parameter filter.

Filtering example

In this example of filtering, the query's resources are limited to results were the subscription type is CENTRAL_STORAGE.

GET <URI>?filter=subscriptionType eq 'CENTRAL_STORAGE'

Filtering on a single property

filter = <propertyName> <comparison operation> <literal>

Property is the name of an attribute in the requested resource type. The property name is always to the left of the operation. Specify nested property names with the / separator.

For example:

Property Example Description
Key key eq 'STIQQ4L04' Returns results when the property, key, is exactly the value to the right of eq.

Operation evaluated. Operations compare properties against literals, for example, eq. All parameters except in require the property on the left and the literal on the right. The in parameter allows the property on either side.

Examples of operations:

Operation Definition
eq The property exactly matches the literal, for example, key eq 'STIQQ4L04'.
ne The property does not equal the literal.
gt The property is greater than the integer, decimal, or timestamp literal, for example, createdAt gt '2019-10-12T07:20:50.52934852Z'
ge The property is greater or equal to the integer, decimal, or timestamp literal.
lt The property is less than the integer, decimal, or timestamp literal.
le The property is less than or equal to the integer, decimal, or timestamp literal.
in The property matches one of multiple values, for example, key in ['STIQQ4L04', 'STIQQ4L05', 'STIQQ4L06']
not The property does not matches any of multiple values, for example, key not eq 'STIQQ4L04', 'STIQQ4L05', 'STIQQ4L06'

A literal, for example, true, is what an operation compares a property to. For a successful matching operation, the data types must match, and the syntax determines the data type of the literals. Due to URL encoding, reserved characters ! # $ & ' ( ) * + , / : ; = ? @ [ ] in string literals must be replaced with percent-encoded equivalents.

The following are examples of literals.

  • String : Anything in 'single quotes'. Reserved characters in string literals must be URL encoded.
  • Integer : -100, -1, 0, 1, 100
  • Decimal : -3.14, -2.71, 2.71, 3.14
  • Timestamp : 2019-10-12T07:20:50.52934852Z. The timestamp format is [RFC3339]
  • Boolean : true, false
  • Null : null. Null is equal to itself and nothing else. Null is not greater or less than anything.

Filtering on multiple properties

Logical operations facilitate filtering using multiple queries. Combine multiple operations using the operator and or or, for example:

  • Require both (and): key eq 'STIQQ4L04' and subscriptionType eq 'CENTRAL_STORAGE
  • Require either (or): key eq 'STIQQ4L04' or subscriptionType eq 'CENTRAL_STORAGE

OData filtering reference

This filtering is a subset of OData 4.0 filtering.