The following examples are not an exhaustive list of all possible filtering options.
Return devices where a property equals a value.
Example syntax, <property> eq <value>.
filter=serialNumber eq 'STIAPL6404'
Return devices where a property does not equal a value.
Example syntax, not <property> eq <value>.
filter=not serialNumber eq 'STIAPL6404'
Return devices where a property is greater or equal to a value.
Example syntax, <property> ge <value>.
filter=createdAt ge ''2024-01-18T19:53:51.480Z''
Return devices where a property is lesser or equal to a value.
Example syntax, <property> ge <value>.
filter=updatedAt le '2024-02-18T19:53:51.480Z'
Return devices that exactly satisfy multiple filter queries.
Example syntax, <property> eq <value> and <property> eq <value>.
filter=deviceType eq 'STORAGE' and partNumber eq 'RTICXL6413'
Return devices that exactly satisfy one of multiple filter queries.
Example syntax, <property> eq <value> or <property> eq <value>.
filter=serialNumber eq 'STIAPL6404' or partNumber eq 'RTICXL6413'
Return devices where a property is one of multiple values.
Example syntax, <property> in <value>,<value>.
filter=deviceType in 'COMPUTE', 'STORAGE'
Filter expressions consisting of simple comparison operations joined
by logical operators to be applied on the assigned tags or their
eq, ne, in
Logical Expressions
and, or, not
Return devices where a tag key is equal to a tag value.
Example syntax, <tagKey> eq <tagValue>.
filter-tags='city' eq 'London'
Return devices where a tag key does not equal a tag value.
Example syntax, not <property> eq <value>.
filter-tags=not 'city' eq 'Tokyo'
Return devices that exactly satisfy multiple filter queries applied to tag keys.
Example syntax, <property> eq <value> and <property> eq <value>.
filter-tags='city' eq 'London' and 'street' eq 'Piccadilly'
Return devices that satisfy any of multiple filter queries applied to tag keys.
Example syntax, <property> eq <value> or <property> eq <value>.
filter-tags='street' eq 'Oxford Street' or 'street' eq 'Piccadilly'
Return devices containing the tag key and at least one of the specified values.
Example syntax, <property> in <value>,<value>.
filter-tags='street' in 'Regent Street', 'Oxford Street', 'Piccadilly'
integer <int64> [ 1 .. 2000 ]
Default: 2000
Specifies the number of results to be returned. The default value is 2000.
integer <int64>
Default: 0
Specifies the zero-based resource offset to start the response from. The default value is 0.
Array of strings unique
A comma separated list of select properties to display in the response. The default is that all properties are returned.
Example: select=serialNumber,macAddress
A comma separated list of sort expressions. A sort expression is a property name optionally followed by a direction indicator asc or desc. The default is ascending order.