HPE GreenLake for Data Services

This HPE GreenLake for Data Services API provides common capabilities used by a number of HPE GreenLake services including Disaster Recovery and Private Cloud Business Edition. The API follows the HPE GreenLake API standard.

The details below describe how to gain access to the API and use its features.



Endpoints are the host URLs that you will submit your API requests to. Data Services has unique endpoints in specific regions. Use the following list to identify your application endpoint.


The Data Services API uses an access token for authentication. Instructions for obtaining an access token can be found on the Authentication page.

The HTTP Authorization request header is used to provide the access token in all API requests as a Bearer token.

  • Authorization:Bearer <access token>


All API requests are authorized using permissions. The user owning the access token must have the required permissions assigned for the resources being accessed in order to be authorized. The required permissions are documented in the following guide pages.


Asynchronous Operations

Asynchronous operations track the progress of tasks or workflows performed by services to manage resources. API operations that cannot be completed immediately return the 202 Accepted response code and a Location header containing the URI of the asynchronous operation that can be used to track progress. Asynchronous operations are also used to track scheduled operations that are initiated by services on behalf of the user.

In some cases, an asynchronous operation may be composed of multiple sub-parts that are processed independently. In such cases the asynchronous operation may have one or more child operations to represent the sub-parts. The parent will always provide a summary view of progress for the overall operation or workflow.


  • /data-services/v1beta1/async-operations
  • /data-services/v1beta1/async-operations/{id}


  • data-services.task.read

List Asynchronous Operations

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/async-operations

The list operation can be modified using the standard filter, sort and pagination query parameters.

Get an Asynchronous Operation

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/async-operations/21d09afe-5e5c-4993-99be-25772b67982d

The information returned for each asynchronous operation includes:

  • associatedResources lists resources associated with the asynchronous operation. These may be resources that are created by the operation or resources involved in the operation. For example, an operation to create a volume may include the storage-system that will host the volume and the volume itself once created.
  • state indicates the current state of the operation:
    • INITIALIZED indicates the operation has not yet started.
    • RUNNING indicates the operation is in progress.
    • SUCCEEDED indicates successful completion.
    • FAILED indicates a failure state. If failed, the error property will contain further details of the error condition.
    • CANCELLED indicates the operation was cancelled.
    • PAUSED indicates user interaction is required. If paused, the additionalDetails property will contain a link to a console page that can be used to perform the required interaction.
    • TIMEDOUT indicates that the agent processing the operation has not reported progress for some time, for example, if the system performing the operation has become disconnected.
  • error records an error condition, including an error message and error code.
  • healthStatus indicates if the operation has encountered any problems. The values ERROR and WARNING indicate a known problem or problems that will be recorded in the error property. The value UNKNOWN indicates that the agent processing the operation has not reported progress for some time, for example, if the system performing the operation has become disconnected.
  • logMessages lists messages that indicate steps of progress.
  • progressPercentage indicates how far the operation has progressed as a percentage of total processing.
  • createdAt is the time the operation was created.
  • startedAt is the time the operation entered the RUNNING state.
  • endedAt is the time the operation completed.
  • updatedAt is the time of the last update to the operation.
  • hasChildOperations indicates if there are any sub-operations, each is another asynchronous operation.
  • parent is a reference to the parent if this is a sub-operation or null if it is the top level operation.
  • rootOperation is a reference to the top level operation if this is a sub-operation or null if this is the top level operation.

Dual Authorization Operations

Dual authorization is a security process that requires a second user to approve requests. A storage service determines which objects can be protected by dual authorization by adding the object as a system setting stored in the Settings Service. The Submitter and the Approver cannot be the same User.

  • Ransomware attacks or insider attacks, where the malicious user attempts to delete the customers' data are increasing in frequency. Dual Authorization provides strong protections from ransomware and insider attacks.
  • Dual authorization is also a requirement for federal standards such as NIST 800-53
  • Gets all operations for Dual Auth
  • Gets the requested operation
  • Approve/Deny the pending operation by changing its state in DB.


  • /data-services/v1beta1/dual-auth-operations
  • /data-services/v1beta1/dual-auth-operations/{id}


  • data-services.dual-auth-operation.read
  • data-services.dual-auth-operation.update
  • data-services.dual-auth-operation.delete

List Dual-Authorization Operations

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/dual-auth-operations

Get a Dual-Authorization Operation

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/dual-auth-operations/{id}

Patch a Dual-Authorization Operation

PATCH https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/dual-auth-operations/{id}


Issues are used for tracking an issue or error that occurs in another service.

  • Returns all the active issues related to the current user. Active issues have state = "CREATED".
  • The issues are filtered by the user. For example, if there are 100 issues associated with 50 resources (of a specific resource-type), but the user has access to only 20 of those resources, this API will return only the issues associated with those 20 resources. In addition, the user must have the correct permissions to view issues.
  • Returns the active issue with the given ID
  • Changes the attributes of an existing Issue object
  • Deletes the Issue object from the database
  • Returns all the supported Issues metadata relevant to the UI and API clients


  • /data-services/v1beta1/issues
  • /data-services/v1beta1/issues/{id}
  • /data-services/v1beta1/issues-metadata


  • data-services.issue.read
  • data-services.issue.update

List Issues

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/issues

Get an Issue

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/issues/{id}

Patch an Issue

PATCH https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/issues/{id}

Delete an Issue

DELETE https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/issues/{id}

Get a list of valid values supported for a Category, Services, and Severity supported by Issues

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/issues-metadata


Secrets are collections of properties that are used as security credentials and shared between customers and HPE GreenLake applications and services. The Secrets service is responsible for securely storing secrets and then tracking how they are assigned and applied to other customer-managed assets referred to by the service as appliances. Access to these features is provided by API endpoints that work with secret and secret-assignment resources. A secret resource contains a collection of credential properties of well-defined types along with information such as name, description, and status. A secret-assignment resource represents an association between a secret resource identifier and a consumer-provided appliance identifier along with application goal and progress information.

Reports of secret resources will include their non-sensitive properties as well as summary information aggregated from associated secret-assignment resources. Properties considered to be sensitive, such as passwords and private keys, will not be conveyed back to the consumer through the API and are available only to other services as required.


  • /data-services/v1beta1/secrets/{id}
  • /data-services/v1beta1/secrets
  • /data-services/v1beta1/secret-assignments/{id}
  • /data-services/v1beta1/secret-assignments


  • data-services.secret.create
  • data-services.secret.delete
  • data-services.secret.read
  • data-services.secret.update

Report a Specific Secret

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets/{id}

Reports the contents of a specific secret resource. Attributes specific to secret resources include:

  • domain An object describing the domain-level properties of the secret resource.
    • name This will always be CONFIGURATION for secret resources.
    • properties An object containing name/value pairs:
    • CREATED_BY The name of the user who created the secret.
    • DESCRIPTION The long description of the secret provided by the consumer.
    • LAST_UPDATED_BY The name of the user who last updated the secret.
    • LIFECYCLE_EVENT_KEY A consumer-provided identifier that accompanies secret resource lifecycle events reported by the service.
    • LOCK_DELETE Set to true when the secret resource has been advisory delete-locked by a service.
  • subclassifier An object describing the subclassifier-level properties of the secret resource. This will contain the consumer-provided properties for credential values.
    • name Names the "type" of the secret and its intended use, determining which properties it is expected to be composed of. It must be one of the following:
    • AZURE_SPCLIENT A Microsoft Azure Service Principal client.
    • BASIC_AUTH A secret used for password challenge-based authentication (e.g. RFC 2617).
    • BEARER_AUTH A secret used for bearer token-based authorization (e.g. RFC 6750).
    • CERTIFICATE A secret used for X.509-based authentication (e.g. RFC 5280).
    • GENERIC A secret that may be used for any purpose.
    • JSON_WEB_TOKEN A secret used for JSON Web Token-based authorization (e.g. RFC 7519).
    • OAUTH_CLIENT A secret used for OAuth 2.0-based authorization (e.g. RFC 6749).
    • PASSWORD A secret used for password or passphrase authentication without the context of a principal identifier.
    • PRIVATE_KEY A secret used for PKI-based authentication without the context of a public key.
    • SSH_KEYPAIR A secret used for Secure Shell (SSH)-based authentication (e.g. RFC 4716)
    • properties An object containing name/value pairs of secret property values. Only non-sensitive properties are conveyed here. As a result, the object may be reported as empty for some subclassifiers which represent only sensitive properties (e.g. GENERIC , PASSWORD , and PRIVATE_KEY ). The names of the properties may be one or more of the following as determined by the subclassifier name :
    • CLIENT_ID A client principal's ID. Provided by subclassifiers AZURE_SPCLIENT and OAUTH_CLIENT .
    • DER A Base64-encoding of a PKI certificate in DER format. Provided by subclassifier CERTIFICATE .
    • PEM A Base64-encoding of a PKI certificate in PEM format. Provided by subclassifier CERTIFICATE .
    • PUBLIC_KEY Public key material. Provided by the subclassifier SSH_KEYPAIR .
    • TENANT_ID An Azure service principal client's tenant ID (or equivalent). Provided by subclassifier AZURE_SPCLIENT .
    • TOKEN Tokenized data used for authentication or authorization purposes. Provided by subclassifiers JSON_WEB_TOKEN and BEARER_AUTH .
    • USERNAME A username or user ID. Provided by the subclassifier BASIC_AUTH .

Report Filtered Secrets

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets

Reports all the secret resources owned by the customer, subject to filtering query parameters.

Add a Secret

POST https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets

Used to create a new secret resource using the secret specification provided in the request body. The request body is a JSON object with the following required attributes:

  • service (string) The name of a service or category associated with the secret resource at the time of its creation. The value is limited to 256 Unicode characters (see note 1). Consumers may provide an empty string if non-specific. Can be used in query filter criteria.
  • name (string) The name assigned to the secret resource. The value is limited to 256 Unicode characters (see note 1) and must contain at least one character. It must be unique among all other secret resources owned by the customer. Can be used in query filter criteria.
  • secret (object) A JSON object that represents the desired subclassifier name and properties of the secret. The form of the object depends on the subclassifier used:
    • for AZURE_SPCLIENT :
    • {"azureSPClient": {"clientId": "string", "clientSecret": "string", "tenantId": "string"}} where
      • clientId (required; non-sensitive) is the service principal's client ID. The value is limited to 512 Unicode characters (see note 1).
      • clientSecret (required; sensitive) is the service principal's client secret. The value is limited to 512 Unicode characters (see note 1).
      • tenantId (optional; non-sensitive) is the service principal's tenant ID. The value is limited to 36 Unicode characters (see note 1).
    • for BASIC_AUTH :
    • {"basicAuth": {"username": <string>, "password": <string>}} where
      • username (required; non-sensitive) is the username or user ID. The value is limited to 256 Unicode characters (see note 1) and must not contain white-space characters.
      • password (required; sensitive) is the password or passphrase. The value is limited to 256 Unicode characters (see note 1).
    • for BEARER_AUTH :
    • {"bearerAuth": {"token": <string>}} where
      • token (required; non-sensitive) is the token material. The value is limited to 8192 Unicode characters (see note 1) and must match the regex pattern ^[\w -.=]+$ .
    • for CERTIFICATE :
    • {"certificate": {"pem": <string>}} or {"certificate": {"der": <string>}} where
      • der (this or pem required; non-sensitive) is the Base64-encoding of a DER format PKI certificate. The value is limited to 8192 characters and must match the pattern for a Base64 encoding.
      • pem (this or der required; non-sensitive) is the Base64-encoding of a PEM format PKI certificate. The value has the same limitations as der .
    • for GENERIC :
    • {"generic": {"secret": <string>}} where
      • secret (required; sensitive) may be used for any kind of secret. The consumer must ensure it is escaped properly for JSON encoding (Base64 is recommended). The value is limited to 1024 Unicode characters (see note 1).
    • for JSON_WEB_TOKEN :
    • {"jsonWebToken": {"token": <string>}} where
      • token (required; non-sensitive) is the JSON web token (JWT). The value is limited to 8192 Unicode characters (see note 1) and must match the regex pattern ^[\w -.=]+$ .
    • for OAUTH_CLIENT :
    • {"oauthClient": {"clientId": <string>, "clientSecret": <string>}} where
      • clientId (required; non-sensitive) is the OAuth client ID. The value is limited to 512 Unicode characters (see note 1).
      • clientSecret (required; sensitive) is the OAuth client secret. The value is limited to 512 Unicode characters (see note 1).
    • for PASSWORD :
    • {"password": {"password": <string>}} where
      • password (required; sensitive) is the password or passphrase. The value is limited to 256 Unicode characters (see note 1).
    • for PRIVATE_KEY :
    • {"privateKey": {"privateKey": <string>}} where
      • privateKey (required; sensitive) PKI private key material used for symmetric or asymmetric key encryption. The value is limited to 4096 characters and must match the pattern for a Base64 encoding.
    • for SSH_KEYPAIR :
    • {"sshKeypair": {"publicKey": <string>, "privateKey": <string>}} where
      • publicKey (required; non-sensitive) PKI public key material used for asymmetric key encryption. The value is limited to 4096 characters and must match the pattern for a Base64 encoding.
      • privateKey (required; sensitive) PKI private key material used for symmetric or asymmetric key encryption. The value has the same limitations as publicKey .


  1. Except where explicitly stated otherwise, the acceptable characters are limited to the Unicode general categories Letter, Mark, Number, Punctuation, and Symbol, and the Separator category Space. Any characters of the general category Other as well as the Separator categories Line or Paragraph will be rejected.


curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "service": "MycorpIT",
  "name": "Azure App 1",
  "secret": {
    "azureSPClient": {
      "clientId": "app1",
      "clientSecret": "cRyq8P8bbDxx7qrrWpG939Xr"

Change a Secret

PATCH https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets/{id}

Used to update a secret resource using the secret redefinition provided in the request body. The request body is a JSON Merge Patch object that must have at least one of the following attributes:

  • secret (object) A JSON object that represents the desired changes to the secret's subclassifier. Only the properties values of the subclassifier may be changed. The name value of the subclassifier cannot be changed. The object takes the same form as the secret attribute object of the Add a Secret operation except that partial sets of properties are allowed with this attribute.
  • description (string) Identical to the description attribute of the Add a Secret operation.


curl -X 'PATCH' \
  'https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets/bdaadb98-e3a2-11ee-8542-0100afe933f4' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "secret": {
    "azureSPClient": {
      "clientSecret": "BcytLruvkHk7X6wrTUS842Kf"
  "description": "Rotated secret 29-Feb-2024"

Remove a Secret

DELETE https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secrets/{id}

Used to delete the specified secret resource and all its associated secret-assignment resources. (Secret-assignment resources are not allowed to refer to non-existent secret resources.)

If the optional query parameter safe is set to true then the secret resource is checked for a service-applied delete-lock constraint before it is removed. If found, then the operation will fail with an HTTP status code 409 CONFLICT response. If the parameter is not requested, then the resource will be removed regardless of delete-lock status. Thus, to override a conflicting delete-lock constraint a consumer may simply call the operation again without the safe parameter or with it set to false.

Report a Specific Assignment

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secret-assignments/{id}

Reports the contents of a specific secret-assignment resource.

Report Filtered Assignments

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/secret-assignments

Reports all the secret-assignment resources owned by the customer subject to filtering query parameters.


Settings holds one or more system setting of a service. These services can be set to require an Approver when changing a system setting value by using the Dual-Authorization Operations service.

  • Gets all the setting values for the current account
  • Gets the value for the current account for the input setting
  • Changes the value of the given setting


  • /data-services/v1beta1/settings
  • /data-services/v1beta1/settings/{id}


  • data-services.customer-setting.read
  • data-services.customer-setting.update

List all Settings of a service

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/settings

Get a specific Setting of a service

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/settings/{id}

Patch a specific Setting of a service

PATCH https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/settings/{id}

Software Catalog

The Software Catalog performs distribution for HPE developed software. It provides access to software and its metadata to support managed software offerings.

The specific list of available actions is as follows:

  • List software releases with filters, sorting, and pagination.
  • Get a software release by its ID.
  • Download a file within specific software releases.


The URIs for the Software Catalog releases APIs are as follows:

  • GET /data-services/v1beta1/software-releases
  • GET /data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/{id}
  • POST /data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/{id}/download


There are no permissions associated with Software Catalog.

Get a release

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/{id}

Where {id} is the ID of the release you would like to retrieve.


  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "customerId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
  "downloadable": true,
  "generation": 1,
  "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "name": "Example v1.0.0",
  "resourceUri": "/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "signature": {
    "filename": "example.ova.sig",
    "sha256Checksum": "c6a73c39b2c0d1f91594f81d01f0b79f40f6cd7a939cb3b6f1775fcf939ab3e6",
    "sizeInBytes": 1000
  "software": {
    "filename": "example.ova",
    "sha256Checksum": "d63c742ff2c761619914400c18f34d2368ae84babc7eac9ffcaea8f40b68b505",
    "sizeInBytes": 10000
  "softwareComponent": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "name": "Example",
    "type": "data-services/software-component"
  "stability": "GENERAL_AVAILABILITY",
  "type": "data-services/software-release",
  "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "usage": "INSTALL",
  "version": "1.0.0"

List releases

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/?filter=version+eq+'1.0.0'&sort=id+asc

Where filter and sort are your chosen parameters. If left empty it will default to return all releases in ascending order by their ID.


  "count": 2,
  "items": [
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "customerId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
      "downloadable": true,
      "generation": 1,
      "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
      "name": "Example v1.0.0",
      "resourceUri": "/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
      "signature": {
        "filename": "example.ova.sig",
        "sha256Checksum": "c6a73c39b2c0d1f91594f81d01f0b79f40f6cd7a939cb3b6f1775fcf939ab3e6",
        "sizeInBytes": 1000
      "software": {
        "filename": "example.ova",
        "sha256Checksum": "d63c742ff2c761619914400c18f34d2368ae84babc7eac9ffcaea8f40b68b505",
        "sizeInBytes": 10000
      "softwareComponent": {
        "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
        "name": "Example",
        "type": "data-services/software-component"
      "stability": "GENERAL_AVAILABILITY",
      "type": "data-services/software-release",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "usage": "INSTALL",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "customerId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
      "downloadable": true,
      "generation": 1,
      "id": "e1a2d4a0-d5f1-429e-b10f-b4dc96e12b2c",
      "name": "Example 2 v1.0.0",
      "resourceUri": "/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/e7a2d4a0-d5f1-429e-b10f-b4dc96e12b2c",
      "signature": {
        "filename": "example_2.ova.sig",
        "sha256Checksum": "c86dabc8e2e05c527f77b2858769efddfbb31efd476703c832f4bfb45c2e1eb3",
        "sizeInBytes": 1000
      "software": {
        "filename": "example_2.ova",
        "sha256Checksum": "553295e4b848bee781c30a0c86a5b731330806eaaca214de195e48761b8a61ee",
        "sizeInBytes": 10000
      "softwareComponent": {
        "id": "531bdc02-b2db-4a13-b640-f346fa09fa57",
        "name": "Example 2",
        "type": "data-services/software-component"
      "stability": "GENERAL_AVAILABILITY",
      "type": "data-services/software-release",
      "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "usage": "INSTALL",
      "version": "1.0.0"
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 2

Download a release

POST https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/software-releases/{id}/download

Where {id} is the ID of the release you intend to download.

Combined with a request body such as below:

  "file": "SOFTWARE"

Will return a 303 response code that redirects the user to a URL, to then download the software.

Storage Locations

A Storage Location is a cloud service provider location that Data Services Cloud Console supports storing data in.

Storage Locations provides a single endpoint that returns a list of all of these locations.

Data Services Cloud Console products enable a subset of these locations according to their capabilities, and consumers are expected to use the relevant product or feature filter to return only the locations that are valid for that product or feature.

A selection from that list can then be used in other APIs on the platform to create storage resources in those locations.


  • /data-services/v1beta1/storage-location


There are no permissions associated with Storage Locations as which locations are supported is considered global information.

List Locations

This is the only endpoint and provides a list of all supported locations.

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/storage-location

The response returns a list of all locations with information about each including:

  • capabilities a list of Data Services Cloud Console products that support the storage location.
  • generation the revision of the storage location that increases every time it is updated.
  • id the canonical ID of the location in Data Services Cloud Console, and is the ID to be used in downstream requests to Data Services Cloud Console APIs to create storage resources in that location.

The filter expression for this endpoint accepts the following operators on the following properties:

  • in operator on the capabilities property;

For example:

  • 'backup-and-recovery' in capabilities ;

Example Response:

GET "https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/storage-location?filter='backup-and-recovery'+in+capabilities"
  "count": 2,
  "items": [
      "capabilities": [
      "city": "Washington",
      "cloudServiceProvider": "AWS",
      "cloudServiceProviderId": "us-east-1",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-05T16:02:31.329685Z",
      "generation": 1,
      "geography": "North America",
      "id": "aws:us-east-1",
      "name": "N. Virginia - AWS",
      "resourceUri": "/data-services/v1beta1/storage-locations/aws:us-east-1",
      "timezone": "US/Eastern",
      "type": "data-services/storage-location",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-05T16:02:31.329685Z"
      "capabilities": [
      "city": "Columbus",
      "cloudServiceProvider": "AWS",
      "cloudServiceProviderId": "us-east-2",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-05T16:02:31.329685Z",
      "generation": 1,
      "geography": "North America",
      "id": "aws:us-east-2",
      "name": "Ohio - AWS",
      "resourceUri": "/data-services/v1beta1/storage-locations/aws:us-east-2",
      "timezone": "US/Eastern",
      "type": "data-services/storage-location",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-05T16:02:31.329685Z"
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 2


Tags are key-value pair metadata applied on Data Services Cloud Console managed resources for classification and categorization purposes. Tags API provides an endpoint to query list of all available tags applied to Data Services Cloud Console resources for the requesting tenant.

The returned result set can be used to apply the same tags to other Data Services Cloud Console managed resource-types.


  • /data-services/v1beta1/tags


  • There are no permissions required for the Tags API endpoint.

List Tags

This endpoint provides list of available tags for applying to Data Services Cloud Console managed resources.

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/tags
  "items": [
      "id": "053c447f-898f-41b0-9207-1464d90a7255",
      "key": "backup-schedule",
      "value": "",
      "type": "data-services/tag",
      "customerId": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
      "id": "d096962a-e2e2-4c47-86b9-625381508497",
      "key": "region",
      "value": "amr",
      "type": "data-services/tag",
      "customerId": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  "count": 2,
  "total": 2,
  "limit": 100,
  "offset": 0

The filter expression for this endpoint accepts the following operators:

  • contains operator on the key or value properties
  • value operator on the key or value properties
  • sort operator on the key or value properties
  • limit and offset operator for paging returned items

For example:

GET https://us-west.api.greenlake.hpe.com/data-services/v1beta1/tags?filter=contains(key, 'reg') and value eq 'amr'&sort=key asc&limit=20&offset=0