Available Resources


There are various event resources that webhooks can be configured to subscribe to. For a given API, there is a set of properties that can be used to trigger an event payload to be sent to the webhook endpoint. More information about these properties can be found in the related API documentation which is linked in the Resource Types table.

Event Types

Events fall into one of three categories: Created, Deleted, or Updated. If a webhook filter matches a resource being Created or Deleted, the event payload will be passed to the webhook endpoint. If the resource is Updated and the filter matches, the event payload is sent only if the updated property is supported for the resource type. For more information, see the Monitorable Properties in the Resource Types table.

One exception to this is the job resource. Any job events that match the filter and are Deleted will not send an event payload to the webhook endpoint. This is due to an effort to avoid sending data that is not useful.

Resource Types

Resource Type API Documentation Monitorable Properties
compute-ops/server Get v1beta2 server by ID hardware, state, firmwareInventory, softwareInventory, lastFirmwareUpdate, tags, autoIloFwUpdate
compute-ops/alert Get v1beta2 server alerts N/A - no specific properties can be monitored. Will only send Created and Deleted events
compute-ops/group Get v1beta2 group by ID name, autoFwUpdateOnAdd, groupComplianceStatus, serverSettingsUris, devices, serverPolicies, autoAddServerTags
compute-ops/server-setting Get v1beta1 server settings by ID name, settings
compute-ops/job Get v1beta3 job by ID state
compute-ops/group/compliance Get v1beta2 compliance by compliance ID complianceStatus
compute-ops/firmware-bundle Get v1beta2 firmware bundle by id advisories, isActive

Event Arrival

When a webhook is registered, events will arrive for your resource subscriptions. Events that occurred before the webhook was registered are not included. You will receive only the events that occurred after the webhook was registered.