Webhook Filters


Filters are necessary when registering for webhooks since they will control what event payloads are sent to the webhook's endpoint using the eventFilter property. Webhooks use an opt-in style, where only events matching the configured eventFilter will be sent to the destination. If there is only interest in events related to groups and servers, the filter would need to specify just those two resource types.

Each resource can be filtered. For more information, see Available Resources.

Beyond opting in, filters can be used to limit what kinds of events are received from that resource. For example, if there is only interest in Delete operations related to groups, a filter can be created to only receive those events.

Filtering Rules

  • A given webhook must have one non-empty filter.
  • Use ODATA style filters. This is consistent with the HPE GreenLake specification .
  • See the following table for different filtering operations.
Property Description Example Values Example eventFilter Result
type Allows matching on resource types compute-ops/job, compute-ops/server type eq 'compute-ops/job' Match all events related to jobs
operation Allows matching on different operations Created, Deleted, Updated type eq 'compute-ops/alert' and operation eq 'Created Match all events related to created alerts
changed Allows matching on monitorable properties if the value has changed changed/name, changed/state type eq 'compute-ops/group' and changed/name eq True Match any events related to groups whose name property changed
new Allows matching on monitorable properties of the current state of the resource new/complianceStatus, new/isActive type eq 'compute-ops/group' and new/groupComplianceStatus ne 'Compliant' Match any events related to groups whose groupComplianceStatus is not currently Compliant
old Allows matching on monitorable properties of the previous state of the resource old/devices, old/settings type eq 'compute-ops/group' and old/name eq 'Group Name' Match any events related to a group whose previous name was "Group Name" until the group's name is changed again
name Alias for new/name type eq 'compute-ops/group' and name ne 'New Group' Match any events related to groups whose current name is not "New Group"

new vs old

In most cases, new will accomplish the goals of a filter that matches a specific event property. There is some nuance between how new and old work, but they match similar sets of events. For example, consider if a group is created with the name "Group1" (event 0) and then is updated to be named "Group2" after n events. The filter type eq 'compute-ops/group' and new/name eq 'Group1' will match events 0 through n-1, whereas if we change the filter to use old/name it will match events 1 through n.

Filter examples

Filter Description
type eq 'compute-ops/job' Match all compute-ops/job events
type eq 'compute-ops/group' and operation eq 'Deleted' Match only compute-ops/group deletion events
type eq 'compute-ops/groups' and contains(name, 'exemplar') Match all compute-ops/group events which have a name containing "exemplar"
type eq 'compute-ops/firmware-bundle' and new/isActive eq True Match all firmware bundle events that have isActive currently set to True
type eq 'compute-ops/server' and old/hardware/health/summary eq 'OK' and changed/hardware/health/summary eq True Match any server events whose health summary transitions out of an OK state
type eq 'compute-ops/server' or type eq 'compute-ops/job' or type eq 'compute-ops/alert' or type eq 'compute-ops/group' or type eq 'compute-ops/server-setting' or type eq 'compute-ops/group/compliance' or type eq 'compute-ops/firmware-bundle' Match every event