Group Apply Server Settings Job


This job applies Redfish configuration settings to one or more servers in a group. Currently, this job supports "BIOS" configuration. The target group must have a corresponding server setting configured.

Job Template ID Resource Type Data
beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133 compute-ops-mgmt/group redfish_subsystem* devices batch_size

Create Job

A job can be created by issuing a POST to the /compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta3/jobs endpoint with the correct payload for the job.

The following properties are used when creating a job:

Property JSON Type Description Required?
jobTemplateUri string (uri) A job-template URI with the durable Template ID of the job Yes
resourceUri string (uri) A resource URI that the job will operate on Yes
data object Any additional data required by the job No

If the job was created successfully, a 201 Created response is returned. The response includes the job resource which has a job resourceUri that you can use to track the progress of the job.


This table summarizes the supported properties in data.

Property JSON Type Values Required?
redfish_subsystem string(enum) Checks Server setting category Yes
devices array List of server IDs No
batch_size integer Helps batch devices for parallel job execution No

Data properties

  • redfish_subsystem : This required field signifies the Server setting category. Today only BIOS is supported.
    • BIOS : Update the server BIOS
  • devices : This property is a list of server IDs to include in the server group apply setting. If specified, this non-empty list of server IDs limits the scope of the operation to the specified servers in the group. If left unspecified, all servers in the group are targeted.
  • batch_size : This property enumerates the maximum number of devices to be considered while applying settings to improve parallelization. A batch size of one will update all devices sequentially. A batch size greater than one (up to the maximum) will create child jobs with the specified number of devices per job. These jobs will execute sequentially, however the devices within each batch will be updated in parallel.
    • Default: 1
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 20


Here are some example request payloads for creating this job.

Example 1

   "jobTemplateUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/job-templates/beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133",
   "resourceUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/groups/8a3a2a46-0102-48e2-bdd9-a29ee6909860",
           "devices": ["010639-C81+899010639081954", "824017-D94+788923530293582"],
           "redfish_subsystem": "BIOS",
           "batch_size": 1,
  • This will result in multiple jobs with one device each, essentially updating all devices sequentially.

Example 2

    "jobTemplateUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/job-templates/beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133",
    "resourceUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/groups/8a3a2a46-0102-48e2-bdd9-a29ee6909860",
            "devices": ["010639-C81+899010639081954"],
            "redfish_subsystem": "BIOS",
            "batch_size": 5,
  • This will result in one child job with all devices.

Example 3

    "jobTemplateUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/job-templates/beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133",
    "resourceUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/groups/8a3a2a46-0102-48e2-bdd9-a29ee6909860",
            "devices": ["010639-C81+899010639081954", "824017-D94+788923530293582"],
            "redfish_subsystem": "BIOS",
            "batch_size": 2,
  • This will result in one child job with all devices.

Example 4

    "jobTemplateUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/job-templates/beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133",
    "resourceUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/groups/8a3a2a46-0102-48e2-bdd9-a29ee6909860",
            "devices": ["010639-C81+899010639081954", "824017-D94+788923530293582", "350258-E98+302496249634750", "529473-F49+681036294925633"],
            "redfish_subsystem": "BIOS",
            "batch_size": 2,
  • This will result in 2 jobs that each have 2 devices.
    "jobTemplateUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/job-templates/beff07ce-f36d-4699-9ac3-f872dcd63133",
    "resourceUri": "/compute-ops-mgmt/v1beta2/groups/8a3a2a46-0102-48e2-bdd9-a29ee6909860",
            "devices": ["010639-C81+899010639081954", "824017-D94+788923530293582", "350258-E98+302496249634750", "529473-F49+681036294925633", "23950-G30+394672147531944"],
            "redfish_subsystem": "BIOS",
            "batch_size": 2,
  • This will result in 3 jobs where the 2 jobs have 2 devices, and the last job has 1 device.